Monday, July 21, 2008

Get Smart: Go to In-N-Out

This post is coming a little late, but a while ago, we all went to watch a movie together! What movie did we watch? Well, after a complicated but diplomatic voting process, the Young Women decided to watch Get Smart. 

And although not every girl was quite as pleased with the movie as I was, there wasn't any complaint at all about our post-movie trip to In-N-Out! The crazy magic powers of a double-double never cease to satisfy. 
Jenny: What can I say? These Get Smart tickets rock!
Shelly: Shh... Jenny. These awesome tickets speak for themselves!

All the Young Women, sitting in their seats, waiting for the movie to start.

Rita and Beatrice at In-N-Out

Betty demonstrates her fry-oil blotting!

Iris and Shelly laughing about who knows what.

Robyn & Jenny

Just Jenny :)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Strawberry Shortcake Design Contest 2008

Contestant #1: Sarah, Entry No. 1

Contestant #2: Beatrice, Entry No. 2

Contestant #3: Betty, Entry No. 3

Contestant #4: Abby, Entry No. 4

Contestant #5: Jenny, Entry No. 5

Contestant #5: Jenny, Entry No. 6

Contestant #6: Minerva, Entry No. 7

Contestant #7: Robyn, Entry No. 8

Contestant #8: Shelly, Entry No. 9

Alrighty then! Cast your votes and the winners and prizes of the contest will be announced soon! Hooray!

Strawberry 2.0

Running with our strawberry theme, we had a strawberry shortcake making activity (suggested my yours truly)!

After having a spiritual thought, we went up to the kitchen and prepared all of our materials.

Rita brought ready made short cakes from Safeway, chocolate and vanilla pudding, and ingredients to make whipped cream! Abby supplied strawberries, and we all went to town!  Some girls washed and cut strawberries, while others made the whipped cream.

Here Sarah and shelly are cutting strawberries like mad!

This is a close up of Sarah's technique. 
(Look at her interesting finger nails!)

Meanwhile, of course, mixer masters Minerva and Iris 
are going wild with the whipping cream and sugar.


Beatrice, Jeeae and Betty smiling for Robyn's camera!

Jenny and the friend that she brought to the activity!

After our activity, Iris listened to Mark and Lisa play a duet on the piano.


Only not. I'm about to post our strawberry shortcake making contest! Blog viewers are encouraged to make comments and vote on the cakes for the one they like best.

-Shelly Belly

Strawberry DNA

On June 3rd, the Young Women learned how to extract DNA from strawberries (and believe us, you never know when you might need this skill!:))
Scientist Extraordinaire, Brother Pui Kwok, came to show us how the magic works.
While poor Jeeae had to leave the room due to the strong smell of strawberries, Iris and the rest of us enjoyed the smells!
First we mushed them up inside a bag, added a secret ingredient, mushed some more, then poured everything into a coffee filter-lined cup and waited for it to soak through.
We had all different types of scientists present for the activity. Here you can see some very serious ones- Betty and Jenny
Meanwhile, Beatrice threatened to eat her experiment,
Rita had a starring contest with hers,
and Minerva hid behind hers
When all was said and done we had DNA!!
(Many of us thought it looked more like snot than DNA, but then again, we hadn't had a lot of experience with DNA up until this point)
Then we got a little carrying case for our new treasure
We also got to make candy Double Helixes!!
Watch out UCSF- you have some future geneticists running around the city!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Drum Roll Please...


The first official post of the Sunset Ward Young Women's blog!!!

This blog will basically tell you about the activities we have as young women of the Sunset ward. It will periodically feature profiles of each of the girls and we will include lots of pictures.

We're excited to share our happenings with you and invite ward members and friends to post comments and shares their thoughts.

My name is Shelly, and I am facilitating this blog as a personal progress value project, so I will be doing a majority of the posting, but we will occasionally invite other young women and our leaders to post, as well.

-Shelly Belly